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Altiflex Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy: Policy regarding corporate social responsibility

Version 2021-01. Supersedes all previous versions.We are all responsible for contributing to finding solutions to the social and environmental challenges that exist in the society we are part of. This also applies to Altiflex. At Altiflex, we focus on how we can contribute to society's development through our daily practice and task solving.

We see opportunities in combining societal needs with our company's development. We do this by developing and promoting sustainable solutions and behaviour.

The Altiflex System reduces CO2 emissions up to 63%, compared to laths and plastic.


In various contexts, the world community has formulated a number of goals and focus areas with the common goal of creating a better world. At Altiflex, we have chosen to focus on the UN's Global Goals and the UN's Global Compact. The Altiflex Vision of spreading awareness of the Altiflex System and making it the natural and preferred choice for temporary closures goes hand in hand with key elements of the UN's goals for world development. The key elements that Altiflex focuses on are:

  • Global Goal 9.5: Research and development must be strengthened
  • Global Goal 11.6: To ensure sustainable cities and local communities, the negative environmental impact per population is reduced
  • Global Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production i.a. with a focus on efficient use of natural resources and reduction of waste generation as well as increased recycling
  • The UN's Global Compact specifies guidelines for responsible behavior for companies in the areas of human rights, labor rights, environment and anti-corruption

It is Altiflex's policy to contribute to achieving the Global Goals and to responsible business operations in accordance with the UN's Global Compact through a number of initiatives

1. 1. The Altiflex System – Continued investment in product development (Target 9.5)

It is the company's policy to continuously develop, maintain and implement strategies and plans for product development with the ambition that the development must support the stated world goals.

2. 2. Dissemination – Continued efforts to increase awareness of the positive environmental effects of the Altiflex System (Target 11.6)

It is the company's policy to continually increase decision-makers' awareness of the positive effects the Altiflex System has on the World Goals

3. 3. Recycling – Continued focus on recycling the Altiflex System at 'end-of-life' (Goal 12)

It is the company's policy that 100% of all materials included in the Altiflex System must be able to be reused at 'end-of-life', and that the company ensures this recycling on its own rental equipment.

4. 4. Responsible business operations – Continued focus on the UN's Global Compact

It is the company's policy that both suppliers and the company itself must be operated in accordance with the Global Compact. This is sought to be achieved by continuously increasing the supplier base's knowledge of the Global Compact as well as gradual adaptation of the supplier base as well as an internal focus on the company's operations.

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Green and responsible construction

Altiflex solutions close the gap on the construction site and take a big step towards green and responsible construction with low resource consumption and good working conditions. Both when it comes to the working environment, construction and safety, Altiflex is at the forefront of legislation and future requirements for sustainable construction.

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